Have you lost your car keys or locked them inside the car or do you need a spare key or battery replacement ? We can help.

Vehicle Locksmith
Whether you have locked yourself in the car, lost all your keys, or simply want a spare key, either remote or standard—we have you covered.
We have the largest stock of vehicle keys for miles around, covering brands such as Volkswagen, Skoda, Audi, Seat, Volvo, Mercedes, Ford, Peugeot, Citroen, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Kia and more. We can even service Heavy Goods Vehicles.
We are the only authorised repairer for most of the brands mentioned above within a 60-mile radius, meaning we use dealer-approved equipment and online diagnostic programming directly to the manufacturer’s software.
As the only ALA Auto Locksmiths Association members and MLA Masters Affiliate members in the area, you are guaranteed have the best of the best looking after your vehicle and providing you with the best advice—focused on your needs, not ours.
All our locksmiths are enhanced DBS checked.
Vehicle Lockout Service
Keys Locked Inside the Car
Spare Key Programming
Car Door Lock Change
Broken Car Key Extraction
All Keys Lost
Jammed Car Door Lock
Stolen Recovered Vehicle Keys
Motorcycle Locksmiths
Boot Lockout
Imported Vehicle Keys on Select makes
Ignition Switch Replacement
Ignition Repair
Re Case Remotes
Car Remote Control Programming
Remote Car Key Battery Replacement
Vehicle Lock Picking
High Security Deadlock & Slam lock Fitting